Immediately STOP all downloads when out of disk space / quota

Hi Nir, in the past some users complained about "corrupted downloads". Although this is mostly caused by different reasons, ONE reason is indeed the "out of disk space issue". Once this happens, SoulseekQt will try *infinitely* (!) to download the current file, cycling like mad between "downloading" and "aborted". This can happen if: [Windows (recent)] Users directory (default setting) or directory where files are written to (custom setting) is full (e. g. c:\Users\SomePerson) [Linux] $HOME is 100% full $HOME in a network is out of quota The latter usually happens if SoulseekQt is used on multi-user machines which have a quota set, i. e. which limit the per-user disk usage to e. g. 5 GB only. Linux normally ought to behave as if the disk is physically full, though. - In summary, to avoid files being corrupted at all, make sure downloads will stop immediately when disk space is either used up or on the verge to it.
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The problem is that Qt offers no standard way of figuring out how much disk space is left on the drive the file is being written to. There isn't even a standard error response when writing to file and failing due to insufficient disk space. Definitely though we need to prevent a situation where downloads are queued over and over again, which could be useful in other contexts. I'll look into it.