What Do These Options Do?


I came accross some options but don't quite understand what they're supposed to mean. Could you give me a hint?

- Don't create subfolders for single downloads

- Don't put downloads in Downloading and Complete folders

- Limit maximum number of search results per search

- Show privately shared search results

- Show privately shared files when browsing user shares

- Show files in folder dialog when downloading folders from search results

Some of these are very special interest :)

- Don't create subfolders for single downloads: If you download files from someFolder in a user's share, someFolder will be created on your end as well and the files will be placed there. With this option on, someFolder won't be created.

- Don't put downloads in Downloading and Complete folders: While files are still downloading they're placed in the Downloading folder and moved to the Complete folder when the download is complete. With this option on, this scheme won't be used.

- Limit maximum number of search results per search: Don't show more than X results per search.

- Show privately shared search results: Users can share their files privately. You'll see their files but won't be able to download them without receiving explicit permission from the sharer. If you don't want to be bothered by any of this, you can uncheck this and privately shared files will not be shown in your search results.

- Show privately shared files when browsing user shares: Same as above, but for when you browse someone's share.

- Show files in folder dialog when downloading folders from search results: Normally a dialog pops up when you use the download folder option in search results that shows you other files in the folder that may have not been listed, and lets you select which files to download. If you just want the files to be queued when you use the option, you can uncheck this.

Seems we're going to have a need for a separate doc file soon, Nir ;-)

Just to add one thing: privately shared files are indicated by a yellow padlock icon shown before their filename.