Newbie wants to know how to share music files

I just registered with Qt and want to, obviously, share my music files. I can do it easily on regular Soulseek. However I can't figure out how to do it with Qt. Help!

To set up your shares, go to Options->File Sharing and use the Share Folder button in the action bar for each folder you want to share.

I'm a beginner at this. What is Options->?

Oh I mean tabs. Go to the Options tab, then go to the File Sharing tab. The 'Share Folder' button should then appear at the very top.

i cant find the options tab!

Add my username to your list. Browse my list. In folder called 09 you find a Qt manual, including screenshots.

dont know how to use this web site

yep i am with the above users where the &*?( is this infamous options tab

thescarletfire's picture

See picture. Easy peasy.

Yes, I would add that actions available in the top row will change depending on which tabbed pane down below is currently selected. And just because a pane is visible doesn't mean it's selected; you might have to actually click in it to get the actions up-top to change. It's not at all intuitive to me, but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad.

and how do i get to the screen in the picture???

thescarletfire's picture



layladylay's picture

i dont see it either help

Check out the link to the picture scarletfire posted above.

Here, step by step:

It took me a while to figure it out, too... ^_^ haha

JoeHerb's picture

Soulseek is a very good program for sharing music online and is a great way of finding files if you have it configured properly. If your computer is connected to a home network router (such as a Linksys or D-Link router) or operating behind a firewall, Soulseek might appear to be operating correctly but it's possible the program isn't operating to its full potential. Here are some quick tips on how to reduce the number of errors you see and increase your number of search results.

* Download and install Soulseek if you haven't already.
* Open up Soulseek, go to the Options menu and select General Options.
* You should see a field that says "Listening Port
* This will open up a webbrowser.
* If your computer is connected to a router chances are the incoming port needs to be forwarded to your computer.
* If you have more than 1 computer connected to the router, you will need to assign the computer you are using Soulseek a static IP address.
* Open up your router administration control and assign the listening port to be forwarded to the IP address your computer receives from the router.
* Restart your Soulseek client if you have changed your listening port.

It seems I was lost
I'm new here and can't use it.
Need help how to use for sharing and download music here
Thx really appreciate the help.

What have you tried, and what is failing to work? We can only give you very general advice if you aren't going to be specific. Also you should have already explored the program's options and features to see what all it can do.

How to get to the folder sharing configuration section is explained in the images linked to in a previous post. As for how to download, well, first you need to conduct some searches for words that are likely to be found in the file and folder names that other people are sharing. Right-click (click-hold on Mac, I assume) on a file in the search results, and you'll have download options from there.

Sharing and searching don't work very well (or at all) if Soulseek's required network ports aren't open; there's a config section for that, and a button you can click on to open a browser to check and see if the two necessary TCP ports are open. Most difficulties in using Soulseek are due to networking issues. Sometimes the user's ISP is interfering and there's no workaround, but usually it is just a matter of getting your router to do "port forwarding". Usually Soulseek will ask your router to forward the required ports, and it will just work, but sometimes you have do it manually (in old routers) or enable your router to accept uPnP or NAT-PMP communications (so Soulseek's request will work). I got a new router recently and port forwarding wasn't working with it, even though the old router was fine. It was just that SoulseekQt needed to be told to use NAT-PMP instead of uPnP when requesting that a port be forwarded, because the new router doesn't speak uPnP. I changed the appropriate setting and all was well. This is just one of many things that can go wrong with networking.

Good luck.

got back on to soulseek,having trouble it keeps saying not sharing went to options then clicked on sharing files doing something wrong could do with some help thankyou,if needed my e-mail is

Hi Kevin,
I just sent you an e-mail with a manual of soulseek.
My user name is zeeburgia