Improved Tree-Style Display

newstarshipsmell's picture
On Transfers/Downloads|Uploads|Downloads & Uploads and Search/Manual Searches|Wish List Searches, combine the User, Folder and File columns into one single column. Left indent the Folder text once and left indent the File text twice. This would allow more of the text from each of these three columns to be displayed onscreen, without having to drag the column widths back and forth, enlarging one at another's expense. Usernames would never be truncated, and much more of the path/foldername would be displayed, if not all of it, nor would most longer file names get truncated. The columns are currently not re-orderable, which they could be, though the user/folder/file order should not be re-orderable between its components, if combined, obviously. The Free and K/s columns on Search, and Place (Transfers/Downloads|Downloads & Uploads) and Kbs (Transfers/all) columns could be right-justified inside the User/Folder/File column, with set widths wide enough to never cut their text off, and would rarely if ever be wide enough to overlap/truncate the User text. On Search, Free column could display "Free" instead of "Y" and K/s column could append "K/s" after number, omitting need for column label - plenty of room to the left for it, with only the User text taking up space there. (Same thing for Kbs column on Transfers, though obviously this would be more likely to overlap really long paths and file names. Place could simply not display anything, i.e. not overlap any long text from Folder and/or File fields, if it is null.) This would leave even more room to devote to the Size/Attributes columns on Search and Status/Progress/ETA/Size columns on Transfers, so less stuff would be truncated. Example: Instead of looking like it would look like
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That example image looks great to me. I would like to see this implemented.