Why the staggered search results?

Why have the results of the search been staggered by user/file/folder as a series of dropdowns? I feel like the old system is superior in terms of readability and ease of use. Of course, this was done for a reason, I'm just abject to it. I mean no disrespect by this.

Anyone else agree?

Not everyone likes the way search results are displayed in SoulseekQt. Most complaints have to do with not being able to sort the results by column anymore. Less redundancy of information (instead of several copies of the user and folder name for each entry) means both that the display is neater but also that information relevant to the file you're looking at may be out of view. Arranging the results in tree form also means you can collapse and expand results either individually or en masse via the action bar. I may eventually add the option of displaying search results the old way, but that's going to take some doing, and as I have to look for a job I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to it :)

Perhaps it's complacency at this point, but I've grown incredibly fond of the old search results, because they displayed sort of like most other P2P software. I'm a big fan of SSQt because it's superior in nearly every other way (sort by speed and availability as well as verbose filtering are fantastic, and I thank you for that). It's honestly my only gripe as everything else is great, and the fact that it's cross-platform increases file availability many fold.

Also, this is unrelated, but occasionally the GUI for the program locks up. Possibly a threading issue?

I came searching for that also, those idented results could be good if they were optional, that way we could see results from the same user or folder quickly but when collapsed the results should display the name of the damn file :(

Honestly, I've begun getting used to the new style and I think I may like it more than the old style.