Font sizes and window tab colors not configurable

SoulseekNS let me configure fonts. SoulseekQt, at least on Win7, doesn't seem to have that ability. Will this feature be added eventually? I find the default UI font to be just a hair too small.

I also tried to change to an inverted color scheme, with black window backgrounds and white text, but the window tab text and tab borders continued to be rendered in black (or grey borders, in some cases). Ideally, the window tab text and borders should be configurable; otherwise, when the window background is too dark, they're difficult or impossible to see.

Font size at least is something I want to do eventually.

Good, but if so, please keep it optional here on Linux :) (Like: { } Use system defaults) I've managed to get my ideal font size (window manager is lxde) just by specifying a new theme and adjusting the font size. Although this has changed the font size for other applications as well, this is fine for me (as I would not want menus with big fonts either there).

I can change the font size of the chat windows by holding control and using the scrollwheel (ctrl+wheel) BUT the program never remembers the change, if I close the chat room tab and open it again, I have to do it again. This is really annoying because (on Windows) the default font size is too small for me.

thescarletfire's picture

Any progress on this Nir? This sure would be appreciated if we could adjust font size for chat and queues and so forth.

Thank you!

PS. The Control+Wheel does work in Windows, but only in chat, and it forgets with every startup of the client.