QT use affecting internet connection

Whenever I use QT it seems within about 10 minutes that downloads start to slow and eventually abort, and websites won't load either, as if something in Soulseek is blocking my internet connection. As soon as I close QT it returns to normal in seconds. Is this a common issue? Something that can be fixed with port forwarding? Or something ISP related?

CNoise's picture

Hi RikR, what you're here describing is the effect of Slsk having to do way too many remote TCP connections at the same time. It usually happens whenever you are trying to download and search for a lot of files.
The best option I suppose is if you just take it a bit easier ;)


Remotely sounds to me like the old WinXP issue with half-open connections which this guy named 'lvllord' did a fix for back some years ago.

And what does that mean to the attentive reader?

Right, specifying your OS is mandatory. ;-)