Ubuntu/Linux SoulseekQT Icon glitch?

Submitted by thescarletfire on Wed, 02/13/2013 - 00:10
Hi all
Does anyone know how to change the icon for Soulseek for when it's RUNNING (i.e. in the "tray" or unity launcher) in Ubuntu Linux?
See the picture below and notice the rather ugly red tinted icon - what can we do about this? Anything? I have a few icon PNG files, would that help? How can I swap out this pesky icon for a prettier one? :)
Is it a Soulseek thing where we can't fix it?
Thanks for any feedback.
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I just set up an Ubuntu
I just set up an Ubuntu virtual machine so I'll take a look at it.
Any luck with this?
Any luck with this?
Hopefully it's not too too time-consuming to implement some sort of option to "add desktop entry" or something, or let a custom icon be used maybe? I'm not sure how you've got things setup but any change to that red-hue icon cube would be welcomed :)
Awesome, thanks!
Awesome, thanks!
Well, I figured out how to get that ugly red background gone from the Unity icon for SoulseekQt - just use Compiz and change the toggle setting. However, that still leaves the issue of the default icon for Soulseek on Linux is a "red / offline" bird - can this perhaps, at least be changed to blue? :) It looks prettier and let's face it, most of us are online more than we are offline lol
See here:
I'm actually not sure where
I'm actually not sure where Ubuntu is getting the red icon from. Maybe it's just a first-run grab. As far as I understand, Linux executables don't have embedded icons in them, which also means you can manually set up the icon to be used for an executable in various different Linux desktop environments. If Ubuntu doesn't allow for such a thing, I'm not sure what I could do about it.
Ah, OK. I thought that red
Ah, OK. I thought that red bird was maybe your SS default icon somehow, but now it seems that a custom icon via the end user is the best way to go. Thanks Nir!