iPad download

I would like to download soulseek on my ipad2. Could anyone help?

Thanks Ludy Verheggen, netherlands

thescarletfire's picture

Is SoulseekQT even available for mobile devices? I thought it was only Windows, Mac, and Linux.

roomx's picture

for Android, I tried it and it works, though not still on private rooms.

shabazz's picture

Wow! how do you go about doing this? http://imgur.com/hrTPM0e
Is there a way to reach the nicotine chat room through an IRC app for iPad2? My iPad is not jail broken. I would appreciate any links or direction anyone can throw my way, thanks!

roomx's picture

You just have to install a server program (of your choice).
Takes a bit of getting used to handeling the "mouse" with fingers, but working just fine.

Is download to ipad possible