All of a sudden client is permanetly "(Not Responding)"

Happened all of a sudden about a week a go.

Client hangs for no reason. I thought it was my upload slots which I increased to 15. However even reducing to 5 or 1, the only way to get the UI back is to force an "End Process" from the Task Manager.

Only other change happened a couple of weeks before that when I had my broadband upgraded.

My downloads aren't limited - even though I have none active at the moment
My Uploads are restricted to 15 slots and 1000kbps

Hardware: HP Workstation (Xeon 3.2Ghz Processor and 4Gb RAM)
Software: Windows Server 2003 SBS



You don't have any crazy wishlist searches, like "mp3", do you? I found that if I do a dumb search, the flood of results can overwhelm Soulseek. I think it keeps trying to allocate more and more memory for the results. Just a guess.

I've been on holiday ;-)

I have no saved searches at all. I noticed that these had a terrible drain on memory and processing power so rarely use them any more.

Reducing the number of upload slots and bandwidth appear to have resolved the issues.