Soulseek through public IP???

Hi there!

Since last week my SoulseekQt client (now version 2013.5.18, but this started with the previous one) takes a my public IP address (i.e. instead of my private 192.68.1.xx when I check the ports. No idea why this is happening or how it started, nothing has changed with my router or my ISP, and of course through that address I cannot connect correctly to Soulseek nor can I open any ports.

I have carefully read through the port forwarding manuals and I have searched the net looking for a solution but does not look like a common problem. My computer runs Windows XP and if I ipconfig through the DOS console, I get the right private IP address. I have a 100MB fiber connection, apparently I am not going through any proxy (nothing shows up in the different browsers), I have reset the router (Comtrend 5813) and everything was fine anyway.

I have already spoken to my ISP (Movistar Spain) and they say that they do not support Soulseek problems and it must be a problem with the client software, since they check and everything is fine.

Anyone can help?

Many thanks from Madrid, Spain

The address you're seeing it your actual IP address, as seen by the rest of the Internet, so this is normal. the 192... address is just your address within the local network.

As Nir said, Check Ports takes you to an external website which should only be able to tell you your public IP address. And it is also normal for your computer to only know about its private IP address.

Where are you trying to connect to Soulseek from? If it's another computer on your LAN/WiFi, it might be related to the topic here: (to be fixed in the next release).

You should still be able to use a web browser to configure the router at If that is not working, something is wrong.

I searched a little and found that some other people with your router & ISP have trouble with UPnP, which is the protocol Soulseek normally uses to tell the router what ports to forward. ... Maybe disable UPnP in the router and in Soulseek, and see if you can manually forward the two ports in the router config?

Hi there, I am assuming this is a similar issue, sorry if it isn't..
I have been working on getting a static IP address, port forwarding and all this kind of stuff (I'm still very new to all this) and my Mac's network utility confirmed me that my Soulseek port was open.
But when I try to browse a user's files, I still get the saaaame message:
IP: 189.217.XX.XXX Port: 53XXX/tcp CLOSED. Your router and/or Soulseek client needs to be configured correctly.
And that IP right there, is not the same as the static IP I set up – is that normal?
Also I did not change my listening port.. so that shouldn't be the issue.
I saw it could be linked to the use of UPnP so I tried to check that box. Now I have both NAN PMP and UPnP port mapping checked – should I have only one of them checked?
Sorry, I've just spent hours on this and while I was once very proud of my progress, I am now just really confused..:)
Any tips?
Thanks !!!

Actually, some new element, when I click "Check port" in Soulseek, two windows open, for two different port numbers ???
But when running port scan with my Mac's network utility app, it says both are "Open TCP port".
Please help X-0
Thank you,

Any help? :-(
Or maybe that has already been dealt with in another conversation?