Help with "Received Search" feature

Hi--sorry if these seem dumb but I have a few basic questions about using Slsk. I'm an unversed noob and appreciate any help!

The "Received Searches" tab. I know you can see other users' R.S.'s that were processed on your client, but I want to understand what I'm seeing. If, there are 3 people in my house on the same home network and I type in one of their user names to browse their files and click on the R.S. tab, are all of the files I see solely from that user's searches? Or, is it a combo of all three of us--or even other user's outside of my home network? Also, are the searches ordered by download date, etc... or is it random and how far back do they date?

I have similar questions about the "Distributed Searches" list if anyone would care to weigh in.

# of User Files. Last but not least, when browsing a user's folder, if it says they have 100 files but only 50 show up, is it that the other 50 are unshared or are they deleted, etc...? Does that total number of files that shows beside their name pertain to all the files they've ever downloaded--deleted and otherwise--or is that their actual # of current files (though some maybe be unavailable)?

Cheers and thanks!