Creating shortcut for Soulseek on Linux (Mint 15 64bit)

So I looked at this terrifying looking thread:

And as it turns out, as soon as I got to this command:
$ //usr/bin/SoulseekQt

I had a fully functioning SoulseekQT. But I don't want to have to launch it from Terminal everytime, how to I build a shortcut so I can launch it from desktop/panel/menu etc?


thescarletfire's picture

You literally just download this file:

and extract it.

Then, double-click the program and it launches. That's it! :)
Put the file wherever you wish (Desktop, etc).


I'll jot down what I did from looking at that thread:

Download a soulseek build from here and rename the file to SoulseekQt. Now in a terminal copy this file to /usr/bin by issuing the command "sudo cp SoulseekQt /usr/bin".

Next open up your text editor and paste the following in it and save it with the name SoulseekQt.desktop

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=C++/QT3 SoulseekQt client

Now you go to your home folder and press 'ctrl+h' (to show hidden files and folders as .local is a hidden folder) and inside the path .local/share/aplications/ you paste the file you just created.
Make it executable by right clicking on the file and checking the box 'allow executing file' or by running the following command in a terminal.

$ sudo chmod +x SoulseekQt.desktop

Now in your menu you should see an entry for slsk under Internet but there's no icon for it. Just right click on the slsk entry in there and click 'edit properties' and then choose your image instead of the default one.

That's it. Hope you find this helpful.