Installation questions

Hey folks, old laptop died so I came to get SLSK again. However, when I DL Qt to my Win 7 Pro and extract the zip file to it's own folder I get some files and an .exe. Double-clicking this gives me the message that I need to get a username and then a the program opens. I have Connect at the top left, select it and try to connect but nothing happens. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

CNoise's picture

Hey topgrey.
'I have Connect at the top left, select it and try to connect but nothing happens.'
Before doing that please look at the tabs located in the middle of window more or less ;]
Go to 'options' tab, below you will find a 'Login' tab.
Now look to just below the 'Connection' button where you will find 'Change Username/Password'
Enter your details and voi'la ;p