Close Tab takes 5 seconds (Win 7 x64)

This is the most annoying thing about SoulseekQT and has been bugging me for ages. Always been like that since Is tarted using it, but wanted to flag it. Essentially closing any tab takes about 5 seconds during which the UI is frozen. So closing 10 tabs in a row is an impractical nightmare. I am left thinking this is system specific as it can't be affecting everyone surely?

Would it be possible to look at the close tab code and try and identify any shortcuts. Essentially it should be an instant result, close is close, and there ought not really be any shut down processing. This applies to tabs under search and browse.

I agree with that !

thescarletfire's picture

It happens when you are sharing "a lot" of files, I've noticed. Closing tabs of any kind.

Does this also happen you close, say, a chat tab, or just a search/browse tab?

thescarletfire's picture


All tabs have a brief stall or lag when closing, regardless of if a search is actively pending. The lag only lasts 3-5 seconds, but it's consistent.

The lag does not occur at all if I only share say, 1000 files. But when I share over 100,000 files, the lag is indeed there on all tabs.

I just figured it was some sort of processing thread thingy going on in the background, it's not a dealbreaker - I've learned to live with it :)

Hmm, I can see it happening when you close a browse or search window because the internal database initiates a mark and sweep procedure at that point to clear any unused data (and having a lot of shared files means more data to sweep through), but I can't see a clear reason why it would still pause when you close a chat tab, say. I'll set up a large test share and try to reproduce the problem.

Thanks, Nir

"This is the most annoying thing about SoulseekQT and has been bugging me for ages. Always been like that since Is tarted using it, but wanted to flag it. Essentially closing any tab takes about 5 seconds during which the UI is frozen. So closing 10 tabs in a row is an impractical nightmare."

hell yeah!


thescarletfire's picture

The tabs that I notice are the slowest are the ones that are user shares (browsed), and searches. By far the worst ones for me at least.

Same here. Big shares can take up to 10 seconds to close.
Search tabs 3-5 seconds. Closing chats isn't a problem.
It has always been like that so i got a bit used to it and didnt bother closing things anymore. A restart is actually much easier.

I have the same issues with closing search tabs and browsed shares. I don't think it has anything to do with the amount of files you are personally sharing. This is why a close all searches/shares button would come in handy as suggested.

thescarletfire's picture

It is connected to the number of files you are sharing, it's something to do with the threading or something. Nir's touched upon this in the past, I can't recall exactly though. If you try SoulseekQt with minimal shares, there is zero lag on all tabs, at all times.

Try this build:

It refrains from doing a mark&sweep and instead manually erases the most critical data associated with the browsed share or search results window. That means that not all the memory associated with the share or results window will be freed until the mark&sweep cycle that kicks in every five minutes, but hopefully the tab should now close a lot faster.

thescarletfire's picture

Testing now.

The new build is working great. It makes an amazing difference in closing the tabs. Thanks.

thescarletfire's picture

It's going to get even faster and snappier.

psynaturecybine's picture

is this change included in newest version (2013-11-6)?
Nir, please update the changelod time to time ( )

Thanks in advance

thescarletfire's picture

This new version is incredibly fast. You should notice the client is much snappier upon startup, opening and closing tabs, navigating tabs, and overall way more stable and fluid. The 11.6 version is the one to have.