My port is saying its open on soulseek help!!!!

My port is saying its configured correctly but I try to view my own folder in soulseek and it dont. I try to search my files none come up whats going on. I forwarded my port in my modem and soulseek is added to my firewall why cant I upload?

thescarletfire's picture

Just because you can't view your own shares does not mean you're not "uploading" (sharing) files. Sometimes if you have Use UPnP port mapping enabled AND manually forwarding your ports via your router's IP page, that can happen where you can't browse yourself. You can fix this by either changing the port and ONLY selecting use UPnP in Soulseek (don't manually forward anything via router), or keep it all the same and just right click on yourself in the user list and select "upload files to".

It's a workaround. As long as you see folders listed under the File Sharing tab, you're sharing files.