Browse Folder removed?

The 2013.11.6 build doesn't offer me the 'Browse folder' option in search results anymore. Is this deliberate?

thescarletfire's picture

I noticed that too! I actually enjoyed that feature. Nice quick shortcut!

MELERIX's picture

because is not needed now, now you can just select the folder or a file and select "download folder" and it will show you all the content of the folder automatically before you start to download, and there you can select the specific files you want to download.

thescarletfire's picture

Uh, technically yes you can see a quick snapshot of the folder that way yes, but it was still nice to jump to the user's shares quickly AND also be in that folder as well. The browsing of the user's shares at the same time as jumping to the folder was awesome.

The download folder dialog boxes simply shows the contents of that folder in isolation, and then you're back in the search results page. Not the same imo, nope.

Fair enough, I didn't think anyone would miss it. I'll bring it back in the next build.

thanks! i'd be happy with that too :)

Btw, when downloading a folder from the search results, sometimes there is a folder with album art within it (covers, scans,etc) but that doenst get queued when downloading the folder from the popup window...
thats one reason when the Browse Folder comes in