Soulseek privelages - place in queue hasn't changed

Ello everyone,

I signed up to soulseek privileges earlier because there was a track I was dying to get. I was interested to see how it affected my queue position, expecting it to jump up massively.

Anyway, I recieved the gold star, but my queue position didn't change. I was #3713 in the queue, and then when I restarted soulseek I was #3708.

I take it that the reason I was five positions up was because I restarted soulseek, more than anything else.

Regardless though, surely there aren't thousands of downloads from privileged users in front of me in the queue.

Is this normal? Does your jumped queue position show up in the transfer window, or is it only your original position.

Also, while I'm at it, how do queue positions in soulseek ordinarily work, with regards to keeping your position. Do you lose your position if you close soulseek?

thescarletfire's picture

Remember that the uploader who you connect to ultimately controls his queue, as far as who he stops or pauses or bans or messes with. But yes privileges do usually elevate you to the front so to speak. It's been good to me for a while now.

Also, you have to consider that once your download is registered in the uploader's queue, deleting it and re-queuing it won't change its place in line. Additionally, knowledge of you having privileges typically affects users who log in after you've received them. That's why we ask users to give some time for their privileges to "take".

Well, I just checked my paypal records since I just sent in $100 to cover my privileges for a good, long while, but I've been a covered user for almost 11 years straight. You can certainly notice a difference as family members who use the system that don't donate generally come to me for things.. heh. The other family member who uses and donates also appreciates what it brings. One thing I know is that for those that have a long queue, you may all of the sudden jump a lot in the count as the privileged users ahead of you finish out or leave. I've seen queues where I was quite high up all of the sudden start up.

As far as if you keep your position, it certainly depends. As we never know how may privileged users are ahead of you, if any, I've seen it go both ways. Generally though, if you just let it go, you'll get it. Often times it's not the queue that's the issue, it's that the user goes offline and you can never seem to find them online again. If there's something I've just "gotta get". I'll just leave the program open and hope that they'll come back online.

That leads me to something I wish this system had, was a way to see when a user was "last online". This way, it would at least let you know if the person is actually ever online other than the one time you've connected with them.

thescarletfire's picture

That might be a handy feature, yea. Last online. Also, for user-list sharers especially, it'd be cool if there was an option to auto-add user to list once you begin downloading a file from them.

Like when I search for something, and click to download the file from the search page, it'd be cool if Soulseek would auto-add that user to my list. At least have the option for us to enable it. :)