Seemingly Throttled Internet Connection (and XP User)? Solution.

For the longest time, years literally, the new SoulSeekQt would throttle my Internet connection: turning on SoulSeek would cause 10-second lag delays in loading plain text-and-image webpages, and my maximum speed (on a high-end cable line) was around 30 kB/ps. I thought it was packet-shaping, but then the Project Glasnost report came up as negative. Solution? It was a build-in rate-limiting with Windows XP. Ran this program to fix it in the registry and I'm working perfectly:

Just in case anyone else has had that issue, I know I must seem like an old fossil running XP. My new results after having applied that patch and restarted my computer: approximately 180 to 200 kB/ps upload speed, with roughly 1-3 second lag delays in loading plain text-and-image webpages. So, now I'm happy. Hope this helps someone else.

MELERIX's picture

is not a good idea to disable/modify half-open, because it was introduced for security reasons.

better you should learn how configure your upload/download speed limits properly in P2P apps, according to your connection speed.