Soulseek port forwarding

Greetings all,

First of all I'm having problems with opening my slsk ports. I use a wireless router (from the brand Intelbras). I'll get you guys to the point.

I have tried to browse the same user's files multiple times and had no success. I was then told to check my port and so I did - it was accused of being closed - so I simply tried to change them from 50808 to 50807. It turned out that after I restarted the client I could neither change my port nor even my username. The same as below is happening to me where 110 is my 50807 and 111 is my 50808:

I have tried to open my ports using the configuration website given by the router provider but I didn't have much success. I'm currently blaming it on not being able to change my port and whenever I click on the "Check Ports" button below the username field two tabs are open in my browser, one concerning the listening port #50808 and the other being #50807.

Anyone would mind helping me a little bit with that? If I reinstall my client will I theoretically be able to change my ports and revert such situation once again?

Thank you for the attention.