Maybe I'm being an idiot but...

I registered an account for a friend, trying to show them about slsk...

I entered MAR as their login name but this login is already taken. Now SLSK is giving me the error

Login failed. The password you supplied does not match your username. Please change your login settings in the Options tab and try reconnecting.

but when I try to change the login I cant edit the field (i.e delete the username and enter another one). I can highlight the text, I try to delete, nothing happens and it continually gives me the above error. I've also tried to completely uninstall SLSK and reinstall it but it remembers the login.

how the hell do I edit this field???

like I said, maybe I'm being an idiot...

thescarletfire's picture

You have to disconnect first, then re-login. There is an option to disconnect first, you need to do that before you can change login. Also I believe it's case sensitive so that's there too.