username not recognised

Hello SLSKQt,
I hope someone can help me here - my other username: PeteMeat is not recognized when I try to log in to this forum. I have just created this one so I can write this message.

I installed SoulseekQt a couple of weeks ago. I chose username PeteMeat - and donated $20 dollars through PayPal.

It is running now, has a gold star showing with 137 days left and everything works great. I have used the chat and shared files. It is all good.

I wanted to ask on the forum how to keep the 137 days after a reinstall of Windows 8.1 but the log in box doesn't recognise my Username

I have to do this re-install of Windows 8.1 and don't want to lose my 137 days. Unless I can log in, how do I reconnect to Soulseek after I reinstall it.

I am definitely using the right Username - as it appears at the top 0f the page "Soulseek Qt build 2013.11.20 [PeteMeat]" and PeteMeat is how it appears in Options/Log In/Username but everytime I try to Log In the box turns red and states "username not recognized"

Can somebody help - I am stuffed and waiting to reinstall - what a pain!! Thanks!!

peetmeet [PeteMeat]

MELERIX's picture

user/password in Soulseek client it not the same that in Soulseek website as I know.