Donator status is gone after format

Hi, after reinstalling windows, my half year donation status is gone.

Can some1 check that out plz?

What should i do to avoid this in the future?


This probably means you're logging in under a different username. The username you've donated under should be listed on the transaction page for the donation on the Paypal website. If you're unable to find this information, mail me the transaction ID in private and I'll look it up for you.

I cant figure it out, i payed with my moms paypall
About a month ago, i believe 15$

I cant go over there for now, its to far, can u check out wich username is onthere?


thescarletfire's picture

Careful sharing your email in public. Spammers and bad people out there. You should PM Nir for help. He's the man.