No Info For Linux Binary - Please Include Docs


First let me say thank you for making and distributing a Linux binary.

I hope in the future you will change some things, because even though you are keeping this closed source, it should still be distributed with documentation, it's the customary Linux thing to do.

1. The tar has nothing in it but a binary this isn't good.

2. There should be docs included; AUTHOR, README, TODO, NEWS, Changelog(Yes the site has a Changelog, but since you distribute for other systems each should still have their own Changelogs listed), COPYING(Pertaining to the type of licensing this falls under), and any other docs you want to include.

3. The binary is QT5, not every distro out there is using QT5, so if you distribute for QT you should also have a QT4 binary, by doing this you are also limiting the amount of users.

4. You mentioned before you didn't want to Open Source the project and you list your reasons which I see, but then how did someone develop Nicotine+ and this client not cause any of the problems you are worried about? So whatever has been developed for Nicotine+ doesn't seem to be causing any of the problems you mentioned as reasons to why you don't want to open the project, so why not release code in the manner in which Nicotine+ did that won't compromise your project? Certainly if they did it you could too...

I read something somewhere you don't seem to have a strong Linux following or support, well looking at that tar, there is the first problem, distrubution of a tar not following typical Linux protocol in doing so. We not using Windows here and Linux developers don't do this sort of thing.

Granted what I'm mentioning here isn't that big of a deal on either side of the fence for includeing documentation so to speak of, therefore your tar should have docs included.

Please do not take anything I'm saying the wrong way, I truly appreciate your efforts, but I am a Linux geek and I've been around Linux pretty much from it's beginnings and this is the first time I've ever seen a distrubted tar with nothing in it but the binary.

Then I see Nicotine+ out there as an open source project that isn't doing any harm to your development, so then I ask myself why isn't Soulseek doing something like this that doesn't harm his/her project as well, and can open it too, this I don't understand and it seems to make no sense since another project has accomplished this...

In the end you're the developer, you can do whatever you want, but if you're not willing to make changes, then you can't ever expect to have much of a following.

Going Open Sourced will make this a project bigger than you could ever imagine, and seeing Nicotine do it, well it makes us all wonder why not you too, in the same sort of direction...
