Server connection fail. PLEASE HELP!

I'm using the old Soulseek 157 NS 13e version and it works like a charm, until I nowdays constantly get the message 'could not connect to server. If your internet connection is up, the server might be temporarily down. Please try again later.'

This is clearly not the case since I, after fiddling with re-installing the program and also trying the new abysmal Qt version a couple of days ago, got the old program working again. It went on without a problem until my Windows 8 operating system rebooted itself for an automated update. After that I was back to square one again.

My ports are open and there is no problems with my internet connection that I can see, since I got the old Soulseek program working again, prior to the automated Winsows 8 update-reboot.

The problem is that now the program simply will not connect to the server and all that I'm left with is that wonderful message 'could not connect to server. If your internet connection is up, the server might be temporarily down. Please try again later.' time after time.

Now, there must be a way to still use the old program without resorting to the new version. I just don't know how?
Please help!

P.S. The new Qt version doen't work at all by the way. As soon as I enter a search value (and yes, the ports are open) the program crashes and the new user interface is much worse than the old one.