Crash on load


Slsk QT crashes every time I try to load it. I get: "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way."

I've installed Dr Mingw but when I click debug it just opens Dr Mingw with a blank window.

Any ideas? I'm using Win7 Pro 32 bit.


Try renaming your c:\soulseek-client.dat file, this will clear your configuration, so if it was corrupted somehow it should let you start the client again. There have been a few other reports of the client crashing at startup that were resolved that way. If this solves your problem and you want to help me out, you can use the 'Send File' link on my user page to send me the original, renamed soulseek-client.dat. I might be able to use it to find out what's causing this crash.

Thanks, Nir

This fixed the problem, thanks. Will send you the original file.

Thanks, it looks like the file was cut-off in the middle of writing. Not sure why. I've made two changes to the client that can help with something like this in the future. First, the client now saves its configuration to a secondary file and only renames it to soulseek-client.dat if all writing concluded successfully. Secondly, it should now tell you if the configuration data couldn't be loaded instead of crashing, and start you off with an empty configuration automatically. You might not run into this problem again, but the modified client is available here: (needs to be in the same folder as the previous executable.)

Thanks, Nir