Incorrect file count in SoulseekQT

I've got myself on my own userlist and it shows my file count as being 7 files less than what it should be (compared to right clicking on the shared folder in windows and checking the filecount in properties), this is constant every time I add/remove files from the shared folder.

This problem happens with SoulSeekQT version 2013.11.6 and the latest version 2014.12.19, although, the problem does not happen with SoulSeekNS 157 13e.

I've searched to see if any file has a filepath longer than windows allows (260 char) but none do, I have not verified if any filepath has illegal characters, although, I don't know how to check this anyway (or what chars are illegal in SoulSeekQT).

It's a trivial problem but it would be nice if it was fixed (or at least a way to trace which files are not being shared).
