constantly accessing drive?

New asus laptop, fast everything
A 1 year old Buffalo drive with about 45,000 shared

everytime i launch slsk my external drive light flickers non-stop until i shut slsk down, even if i leave it on for hours. initially i thot slsk was (slooowly) indexing, but older versions of slsk indexed much faster, only indexing newly added files on boot ofr a few seconds.

it seems slsk is constantly accessing my drive. thots?

If there are new files, there is background indexing, but it shouldn't take that long to do 45K files. In SoulseekQt you can enable diagnostics (the toggle is in Options > UI) and then go to the Diagnostics tab and see what's going on.

Another option is to use one of the Sysinternals tools which lets you see what files are in use by a given process: Process Monitor, Process Explorer, and Handle will all do the job.

What version of SoulseekQt are you using?

Does not sound like background indexing to me, but rather like background polling. The latter means that the SoulseekQt engine will constantly lure in the background, polling for possible changes in folders (files removed, added, etc.)

under UI you have to enable Show Diagnostics. earlier versions didnt have a enable/disable (i dont think so anyways?)

i will watch diagnostics and report anything unusual.

thanks again!