Cant find my own shares (even though they're shared) if i go on to upload to user (cant see nothing at all) just the folders no music??

MELERIX's picture

add your user name in the userlist, so then you can see what is being shared.

Well, that could be the root of the problem, but not necessarily.

@piccasso I thought quite the same when I said "Upload to user", until I realized that the right half of the split window was entirely hidden! This happens sometimes. I think that's a bug in current SoulseekQt.
Once you've dragged the "handle" a little bit to the left, the position of the vertical window splitter will be remembered again - as long as the program is running, that is. Once quit, it might (or might not) be "forgotten" about again.

Check this out...



Voila...there is your precious folder content again, slowly emerging from the nothing...;-)
Again ... the situation like shown in the first image does NOT occur regularly. And I haven't yet figured out what action is triggering this (occasional) bug...