transfers management

hello, the new client looks and feels great imho. I only feel the lack of controls in the transfers area. I have a couple aborted tracks right now, they seem to block the whole download process. A "retry" or "restart download" under the right-button click would be nice

any workarounds in similar situations? sorry about the noobness

Other issues or wishthings are not relevant here so Im not posting them

thank you guys

Hi there, I'm glad to hear you like the new client. See this discussion regarding the retrying of downloads. The gist of it is that the new client does a much better job of automatically retrying files that have failed to download. If any of the files in your download list persist in failing, the uploader is probably blocking them, I'm guessing due to file type filtering which is a function existing in the original Soulseek client but not in SoulseekQt. We're not dead set against adding a manual retry function. We'd just like to avoid it if we can.