Old bugs

psynaturecybine's picture

it's been a while, and progress bars are still messy, sometimes appearing in folder line, other times in user line (tree view). Next problem is that excluded extensions are sill not respected, resulting in many .db .ini and other trash getting downloaded. I know these are known issues, but i'd like to point, that maybe they should be prioritized, because in my opinion both are quite important.
Thanks, and best regards.

Hi psynaturecybine
what do you mean with "excluded extensions"? If you mean the feature under config: that's your server settings, so the others don't get it offered. If you mean in search (via Regular expressions): it works for me.

P.S.: For me the bars work like they should, but QT generally has a problem under windows (not MAc or Linux) with certain graphic cards (mainly ATi and NVidia) and driver bugs under 2D

I think the bars work better on Windows with Qt 5.5.1, that's gonna be part of the next release (hopefully by the end of the week.) I'll look into the extension issue.

Psy, are you having the download extension problem anywhere other than the download folder dialog? Also, are you on Windows or OSX?

psynaturecybine's picture

no. it occurs only from the dialog. windows. cheers

Here we go, this should have files in the download folder dialog unselected if they have an excluded extension:


It's also built against Qt 5.5.1. Not sure if this will fix the progress bar issues... you can also try changing the application style from Fusion to Windows under Options->UI. Not as pretty, but maybe it'll work better.

psynaturecybine's picture

works nicely.
i switched app style to fusion and bars seem to be okay now. i could look further and see if this still occurs under other styles, but in my understanding it's Qt related, (not to soulseek code itself) so i think there is no point of reporting it.
and as always — thanks!

Oh! Fusion is the default Windows style, I wonder why it wasn't selected. Glad to hear it all worked out!

Thanks, Nir