[OS X]: Queued files

Hi all,

Does anyone know where the list of queued files is kept on the OS X version?

I'm using the latest build. My SoulSeek froze, so I had to kill it with Activity Monitor. I restarted it, and - lo and behold - it asked me for my username/password and all the previous queued files were gone :(

It has never done this before. I've been downloading new builds, starting them, the list was still there, the whole time. Ditto for occasional killing. Never caused any issues whatsoever after a restart.

If the list of queued files is hosted in a separate file (I remember it being so on the PC version, ages ago), I'd love to get it back - seeing I've had several hundreds files queued from my SoulSeek friends, and many releases in progress, so cleaning this up in case it'd turn out to be "game over" would be an absolute nightmare.

Many thanks for all the help,


Hi Dynamitri,

I'm afraid all client configuration data is stored in one file, and if any of the configuration data was lost, likely all of it was. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.


What is the config file? If it's not the main app file, it makes me wonder - maybe, by a slight chance, it still is around, somewhere?

I know I'm grasping straws here, but still...




i founded the config file in OSX Lion,

it is stored there: #username#/.Soulseek

However the file is hidden by default, you need to show hidden files by launching the Terminal and copy/paste :

defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

after have relaunched Finder (kill it in the Monitor), you should access the files.

to hide again hidden files, type in the monitor the same but replace TRUE by FALSE (obviously ;) )

Cheers for that. I lost the previously mentioned, but this will come useful for the future reference.