soulseekqt starts frozen

after last night slsk was frozen and since then also always starts frozen. i can only terminate the process via windows task manager. so i guess it's not possible to get a crash report.(?)

Search your computer for a file named soulseek-client.dat , that's the client's configuration information. Don't delete it, just move it somewhere else, like your desktop. Try starting your client again, if it starts there's a problem with the configuration file. I'd really like to take a look at it in that case, I sent you in invite to a shared folder on dropbox where you can put the file. If dropbox isn't an option for I'll private message you my e-mail address instead.

Thanks, Nir

i renamed the soulseek-client.dat and started slskqt and it worked without freezing. then i deleted the newly created soulseek-client.dat and rerenamed the old one to the original name and slskqt again/still worked. why??

anyway, thanks! :)

Hmm, I don't rightly know. Permissions problem maybe? SoulseekQt makes no use of any other information, so it's truly puzzling that the same configuration file worked the second time around. Oh well, if it happens again don't hesitate to send the data file my way.

Cheers, Nir