soulseekqt works but without any interface

SoulseekQt build 8/5/2012

worked for few days very good. than one day it is just not showing up - nothing, no soulseek window at all. i tried renaming soulseek-client.dat file, it works, when placed back, it doesnt work again. its on taskbar, its in processes, it is even working because i can see under resource monitor-network, that people are downloading files from me - upload traffic is full. im fine with that :)
is there any way to fix this? any ideas i should try?
btw my share is huge - is there any recomendation that for example my share should be larger than xx GB or slsk will start to hang or something?

I sent you an invite to a shared dropbox folder. If you can please put your soulseek-client.dat file in the deffo subfolder, hopefully I'll be able to reproduce the problem and fix it.

Thanks, Nir

Hi Nir..i have sent my donation as i do usually.. this time i cant see the privilegies

Oh wow, thank you for letting me know. Apparently the database crapped out three days ago and nobody's been receiving their privileges. It should all be fixed now. Please let me know if you still don't have your privileges.
