Two things. Users left the room and stopping uploads.

Using lastest build for Windows 7.

Users dont go red once theyve left the chat room. Sometimes I chat to a "gone" user for 2mins without knowing.

You cant stop uploads. I dont like banning peeps, but I dont mind stopping there upload and letting someone else in.

The feature of marking users who have left the room in red hasn't been replicated in SoulseekQt so far. Duplicating it exactly might be difficult, but perhaps it could replaced with something more straightforward, like a status message that informs you when a user who's been active in the room recently leaves or re-enters the room. I'll have to look into it.

As to being able to remove uploads... this has been on my to-do list for a while, but I've been hesitant to go ahead with it so far. You can assign the user to a group with a higher download priority, but it might not take effect immediately. I suspect I'll just have to go ahead and let users remove uploads from their queue.