Direct connection of type P to user -

thescarletfire's picture

Any idea what may cause this error:

Direct connection of type P to user ABC failed
(it occurs when browsing files of a user on list)

I've tried browsing users on my list and the diag log shows 99% of them come back as:
Direct connection of type P to user ABC successful.

But one or two users return the failed message in the log.
As a result, it just so happens that this "failed" message occurs on the very same users where I can't browse all their files in QT, but the NS client shows all shares correctly. I hate having to use NS just to "see" all the files a user is sharing, but alas, perhaps there is a fix for QT. :)
QT is so awesome man. I'm really into the new GUI and features.

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

Thanks everyone!


Direct connections fail all the time, it just means the remote is not set or unable to accept connections. The Soulseek client tries each connection both ways, so as long as you can accept connections you should be fine.

thescarletfire's picture

Yup, the problem seemed to fix itself after a client-restart - all is well now!