Fresh install crashes when selecting a folder

Using latest build (2013.7.10) on a Windows 7 64 Ultimate install that's only a few weeks old. The program starts up fine but when it asks me to select a folder to make available for others and I click on Share Folder, the program hangs.

No error message is produced besides a generic "This program has shat the bed" from Windows.

I tried the second latest build (2013.5.18) and it crashed at the same place.

Is there some other information I still need to share about this?


Please see here for information about producing a usable crash report:

Thanks, Nir

Well, this is odd. It stopped crashing. I can't tell why. All good now, I guess. If it starts crashing again, I'll just make a new thread.

I have almost the same problem. I'm creating a usergroup and then add a shared folder to it. After a while, Soulseek just hangs and i have to shut it down. Does this program use anything related to Flash? Because i have started having some other weird problems after pepflashplayer.dll updated itself.
I'll try to create a crash report anyway...

EDIT: Actually, Soulseek hangs when i have created that new usergroup. And i get no option of creating a crash report. "When the client crashes, you should be offered an option to debug it. Select it and a Dr. MingW window should open and produce a detailed crash report."