Hello, first I want to say I've been a long time user of soulseek for years & has worked better than the other music programs that are out there. would also like to thank the person or persons behind soulseek for making it the best, cheers.
So my current problem is I recently went from a Dell to an IMAC which has been great, the only drawback is soulseek. a month ago i downloaded two versions of soulseek qt, the June 2011 soulseek, and then the 5/31/2012 soulseek (which recently updated June 4th & just a couple of days ago, July 2nd I believe). So the odd thing is I've had better results with the older program (June 2011). Here's a compare and contrast of both pros & cons for the programs:
June 2011 program
-I can browse users folders
-I can delete songs from transfers that are not downloading or are just taking too long
-I'm able to add users to list but cannot browse folders from user list (not really a big deal). I have to enter the certain Room they are in, find user, and then browse files option appears. From there I'm able to browse the users files and works fine and download files.
-unfortunately it crashes sometimes

May 31 2012 program (recently updated June 4th & then a couple days ago July 2nd)
-I can't browse users folders, I click browse but nothing happens
-I can't delete songs from transfers that are not downloading or are taking too long, only able to Clear completed downloads
-I get a lot more results in the search engine
-Never crashes

Any help with this issue would be much appreciated b/c I refuse to use another program, I swear by Soulseek, thanks in advance.

Hi there,

Regarding the inability to browse a user's files from the Users tab, are you not getting a 'Browse user's files' in the context menu for the user? Can you open a context menu at all? I use a PC mouse with my Hackintosh and right-clicking seems to work for me. I have been told that with a Mac mouse you have to hold control and click to get the same. How are you browsing a user's files in a room?

Regarding the fewer search results, that's a tough one. I've heard reports from other Mac users that they've had serious connectivity issues with SoulseekQt for a little while and then they just went away. Check the Diagnostics->Logs->Port Forwarding tab to see if the attempt to automatically forward your listening port is successful. I tried running the same search from both my Hackintosh and a Windows laptop at the same time and I'm getting the same results, so I can't really say what might be going on here.

Regarding crashes, you can help me fix them by posting a crash report. See this article for specific instructions.

Thanks, Nir

Hello Hello, I have the 'browse users files' as a menu option in the 2012 edition of July, I highlight the user & click browse but nothing happens. but in the 2011 edition of june the browse function is NOT in the menu options, so even though I have the users saved in my user list, it doesn't really do anything. but once I enter the room the user is in, I highlight user, and then a 'browse users files' option appears in the upper left corner, I click that and it works from there. but for some reason one main user I use does not appear in the room even if he is signed on. I don't have Port Forwarding under logs, the only tabs under Logs are Distributed Network, Transfer Queue, and Peer Messenger in the 2011 edition. I have the Port Forwarding option in the 2012 edition but that never crashes.
But the old version I do have from 2011, its called Soulseekqt Build 1, is there another update to the older version, i.e. Build 2 or 3. Im totally guessing right now, I just love this music program and really want to make it work. thanks for your assistance with this.

Thank You SOOOOOOOOOO much Nir, I didn't realize I had to hold control & also click the file, I thought I was supposed to hold control & then click browse files or whatever. Im now able to browse users files, also am able to remove downloads that were not working. I can't believe its finally working the way it should be. Thanks for your help, much appreciated, cheers.

I'm glad to hear it worked out :) Sorry for not returning to you earlier, I've been so busy with several different issues I let it slip through the cracks.

Thanks, Nir